HR Strategy for C-Suite Execs
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
(Sun Tzu, Chinese General, military strategist, writer, philosopher, author of “The Art of War”, 5th century BC)
Why HR Strategy For C-Suite Executives?
Simply stated, your HR function is responsible for developing an integrated talent management strategy that (1) results in the creation of organizational capability and (2) drives employee engagement. Strategic HR Hawaii is the perfect resource for helping your business achieve C-Suite expectations of Human Resources. By aligning corporate and HR strategies, we will help ensure your company is positioned for high-performance execution and long-term organizational capabilities, while simultaneously increasing employee engagement.
Leadership Development
The Leadership Challenge (TLC) Model (A Wiley Brand)
Enhance your team's leadership skills and unlock their leadership potential with the "Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership" Model. The authors of The Leadership Challenge - Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner - discovered that when leaders experience their personal best, they display five core practices: they Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart.
360 Degree Feedback
TLC's Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI 360) is a powerful tool that provides comprehensive feedback on individual leadership effectiveness. By measuring the level of commitment, engagement, and satisfaction of the individuals they lead, it offers leaders valuable insights for personal and professional development. With a database of over one million participants, leaders are able to benchmark their performance and strive for continuous improvement. As a certificated feedback coach for the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI 360), I will guide your team through the process of self-discovery and onto the path to becoming more effective leaders.
Development Action Planning
Strategic HR Hawaii, LLC will design and facilitate a leadership development workshop for your leadership team based on The Leadership Challenge Model (A Wiley Brand). This can be a 1 or 2-day workshop that includes introduction to the TLC Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model, facilitation of the LPI 360 instrument administration and feedback coaching, and development action planning.
Leadership Development is the most significant investment an organization can make in its people. Take this opportunity to invest in your leadership team's growth and ultimately in your organization's performance.